
About Dirk Lemmermann

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So far Dirk Lemmermann has created 111 blog entries.

JavaFX Time Spinner Hack

A while ago I hacked the JavaFX spinner control to use it for entering a time (hour and minute). When doing so I noticed that the spinner API actually already had most of the stuff needed to do this but support for entering time was never finished. If I remember correctly I only had to change the visibility of some of the methods in the spinner code (skin) and voila! I posted a video on YouTube showing this "amazing" control and several people asked for the source code. Unfortunately I had lost it but today I found it again. [...]

By |2015-10-19T15:27:31+02:00October 19th, 2015|Java, JavaFX|1 Comment

CalendarFX Released

Finally! After one and a half years of on and off development work on CalendarFX I finally managed to wrap it up today and to make it available for download and licensing. If you want to take it for a spin simply visit http://www.calendarfx.com and download the distribution. The download is feature complete and only requires a license key after the trial period of several months. To start coding I suggest that you take a look at the online developer manual. It is currently quite "compressed" but will be extended over time. Ideally developers tell me which aspects of the framework [...]

By |2021-02-18T13:42:29+01:00September 24th, 2015|CalendarFX, Java, JavaFX|4 Comments

JavaFX Real-World Apps: AISO HRC-Matic

Application number three in the "Real-World JavaFX Apps" series is a heavy-duty data entry application backed up by a relational database called HRC-Matic. It is being developed by AISO in Geneva. AISO is a company specialised in developing business applications based on JavaFX. They are also working on the application presented in my first blog in this series (European Broadcasting Union). HRC-Matic is used by Swiss authorities to register businesses (ownership, legal status, funding, contacts). The application will be used by approximately 20 users in each canton where it is installed. The software is currently going through the final approval [...]

By |2021-02-18T13:42:29+01:00September 21st, 2015|Java, JavaFX|4 Comments

JavaFX Real-World Apps: MINT TRMS

The second real-world JavaFX application that I was involved with was developed by MINT Software Systems, a company located in Kiel, Germany. The focus of their application is on training and resource management for companies in the aviation industry (airlines). MINT is actually the reason why I got involved in JavaFX development. In early 2013 they asked me to create a version of FlexGantt for JavaFX. Until then only a Swing version existed. When they first approached me I was somewhat resistant to sign up with them because of what I had heard about JavaFX until then. But once I got into it [...]

By |2021-02-18T13:42:29+01:00September 16th, 2015|FlexganttFX, JavaFX|3 Comments

JavaFX Real-World Apps: European Broadcasting Union

I have the privilege to present several JavaFX Real-World Apps at JavaOne this year together with Alexander Casall, who works for Saxonia Systems in Dresden. In preparation of this talk we sent out a questionnaire to our customers and partners and asked them a few questions related to their project, their application, and their use of JavaFX. I thought it would be a good idea to publish their answers ahead of JavaOne to give attendees a chance to prepare themselves for the talk and also to maybe get some more feedback related to JavaFX projects out there, their size, [...]

By |2021-02-18T13:42:29+01:00September 10th, 2015|FlexganttFX, JavaFX|6 Comments

JavaFX Tip 21: Animate!

When developers try to sell the switch from Swing to JavaFX to their superiors they often say that the user interfaces will look better and more modern. However, to really deliver on this promise I believe that one can not just rely on the improved look and feel of the built-in controls of JavaFX but that some extra effort has to be made to make the UI really stand out and to make everyone say "yeah, this is really an improvement". One of the things that can be done to spice up the UI is to animate some of its [...]

By |2021-02-18T13:42:29+01:00June 18th, 2015|CalendarFX, JavaFX, Tips & Tricks|1 Comment

JavaFX Tip 20: A lot to show? Use Canvas!

There seem to be two kinds of JavaFX applications: the first one is using a scene graph with nodes and CSS styling, and the second one is using a single canvas. However, it is perfectly legal to mix these two approaches. Especially when your application has to show a lot of detailed information where you would easily end up creating thousands and thousands of nodes. Even though the overall performance of JavaFX is fantastic you will most likely bring your system down to its knees when styling is required for all of these nodes (especially when styling is required over and over again because of [...]

By |2021-02-18T13:42:29+01:00June 16th, 2015|Java, JavaFX, Tips & Tricks|5 Comments

JavaFX Tip 19: Watch Your Skin

A common mistake that I do over and over again is that I put certain code into the skin class of a custom control while it should have been inside the control class itself. I just noticed this again when going through the list of bugs filed for the PopOver control of ControlsFX. I contributed this control, hence I feel responsible for fixing those bugs (when time permits). One of the issues mentioned that it is hard or impossible to change the styling of the PopOver control. After some investigation I realised that I am adding a stylesheet to the [...]

By |2016-07-15T15:38:36+02:00June 5th, 2015|Java, JavaFX, Tips & Tricks|4 Comments

CalendarFX (EA) for JavaFX 8

I am happy to announce the immediate availability of CalendarFX for JavaFX 8 (EA), a framework for creating professional calendar user interfaces for any type of application. The framework provides views for showing calendar entries for a given day, week, month, or year. Several sources (e.g. Google calendar) can be registered with each source consisting of several calendars. Each calendar consisting of hundreds or thousands of entries. CalendarFX can be downloaded here. It ships with several demo applications. Please take them for a spin, try out the API, and let me know what you think. A framework such as this depends [...]

By |2021-02-18T13:42:29+01:00March 18th, 2015|CalendarFX, Java, JavaFX|4 Comments