Four of my talk proposals were accepted, so I will be talking about these things at JavaOne this year:

JavaFX Tips and Tricks

Dirk Lemmermann, DLSC
This session presents an extensive list of tips and tricks that will make every developer better at coding JavaFX-based user interfaces. Topics include advanced clipping, working with the Canvas API, color selection, saving memory, table column autosizing, updating read-only properties, and more.

It Gets Better: Developing Frameworks in JavaFX Versus Swing [CON1366]

Dirk Lemmermann, DLSC
This session shows the differences between developing a complex user interface framework for JavaFX and for Swing. The use case is a framework called FlexGantt for creating professional user interfaces for planning and scheduling applications. This framework was first implemented in Swing (2005–2006) and then in JavaFX (2013). The session shows the benefits of using the modern features built into JavaFX, especially CSS and Property Bindings. FlexGantt is currently used by large enterprises such as Emirates Airlines, Airbus, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and the European Broadcasting Union.

JavaFX Real-World Applications Revisited [CON1377]

Dirk Lemmermann, DLSC, Alexander Casall, Saxonia Systems
Some companies are still resisting making the switch to JavaFX for their desktop applications. This presentation is intended to convince them that JavaFX is ready for prime time. It shows how JavaFX has been successfully deployed as part of many large and small business-critical applications. The session presents a dozen applications from various domains, such as planning and scheduling solutions, operating room control software, and fitness trackers.

JavaFX Performance and Memory [CON2610]

Alexander Casall, Saxonia Systems, Dirk Lemmermann, DLSC
There are some challenges you need to face when creating complex and performant JavaFX applications. These challenges involve nonblocking UIs, memory management, and the correct usage of JavaFX APIs. One example is the extensive usage of the JavaFX Properties API, which can lead to memory leaks or overly large memory footprints. This session shows how to detect and solve problems involving the performance and memory of JavaFX applications by using memory analyzers, profilers, and best practices.