I am a 20-year Java veteran with a masters degree in computer science. My primary focus has always been on UI development and design. Within the UI realm my work had a strong emphasize on tool development and scheduling applications.
Keywords: UI design and implementation. Tool Development. Production Planning and Scheduling Applications (PPS). Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES). Java. JavaFX. Graphics.
The following is a list of companies I worked for in the past.
- European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Geneva, Switzerland
- Emirates Airlines, Dubai
- EIZO, Karlsruhe, Germany
- ProjektPro, Bavaria, Germany
- Netcetera, Zurich, Switzerland
- TATA Consulting / Singapore Airlines
- SALT, Würzburg, Germany
- Macrofocus, Zurich, Switzerland
- S4M, Cologne, Germany
- e-switch, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
- Qnamic AG, Hägendorf, Switzerland
- ProCentric, Winterthur, Switzerland