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Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer

The right-hand side of any Gantt chart is a layer container, which is responsible for managing the various layer types.

See: Description

Package com.dlsc.flexgantt.swing.layer Description

The right-hand side of any Gantt chart is a layer container, which is responsible for managing the various layer types. There are system, custom and timeline layers. The number of system layers is fixed while the number of custom and timeline layers is variable. System layers are used to provide standard Gantt chart features such as vertical and horizontal grid lines, popups, 'time now' cursor, etc.

Timeline layers are based on information retrieved from the Gantt chart model. Each model returns an array of layer definitions. For each layer definition a transparent timeline layer will be added to the layer container. Timeline layers render the timeline objects associated with the layer definitions. The ordering, the visibility and the opacity of the timeline layers can be changed at runtime. The controls to do so are once again provided by a system layer.

Custom layers can display any kind of information. No custom layers are provided as part of the framework. A custom layer might for example provide some kind of boxing rendering routine that visualizes which timeline objects belong logically together.

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