Class EqualLinesManager<R extends Row<?,​?,​A>,​A extends Activity>

  • Type Parameters:
    R - the type of the row
    A - the type of the activities
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class EqualLinesManager<R extends Row<?,​?,​A>,​A extends Activity>
    extends Object
    implements LinesManager<A>
    A lines manager that equally distributes the available row height to all lines.
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • EqualLinesManager

        public EqualLinesManager​(R row)
        Constructs a new lines manager for the given row. The manager attaches listeners to Row.lineCountProperty() and Row.heightProperty() in order to recalculate the line locations and heights.
        row - the row for which to use the manager
    • Method Detail

      • getRow

        public final R getRow()
        Returns the row for which the manager is used.
        the row
      • getLineLocation

        public final double getLineLocation​(int lineIndex,
                                            double rowHeight)
                                     throws IllegalLineIndexException
        Description copied from interface: LinesManager
        Returns the location of the line with the given index. In most cases the value of the location is somewhere between 0 and Row.getHeight(). Lines are free to overlap each other.
        Specified by:
        getLineLocation in interface LinesManager<R extends Row<?,​?,​A>>
        lineIndex - the index of the line
        rowHeight - the height of the row where the line is located
        the location of the given line (y-coordinate)
        IllegalLineIndexException - if no line with the given index exists
      • getLineLayout

        public Layout getLineLayout​(int lineIndex)
                             throws IllegalLineIndexException
        Description copied from interface: LinesManager
        Returns the layout for the line with the given line index. A row and each line within a row can have their own layout.
        Specified by:
        getLineLayout in interface LinesManager<R extends Row<?,​?,​A>>
        lineIndex - the index of the line
        the layout of the given line
        IllegalLineIndexException - if no line with the given index exists
      • getLineHeight

        public final double getLineHeight​(int lineIndex,
                                          double rowHeight)
                                   throws IllegalLineIndexException
        Description copied from interface: LinesManager
        Returns the height of the line with the given index. In most cases the height is somewhere between 0 and Row.getHeight().
        Specified by:
        getLineHeight in interface LinesManager<R extends Row<?,​?,​A>>
        lineIndex - the index of the line
        rowHeight - the height of the row where the line is located
        the height of the given line
        IllegalLineIndexException - if no line with the given index exists
      • getLineIndex

        public int getLineIndex​(A activity)
        Description copied from interface: LinesManager
        Returns the line index for the given activity. This method is responsible for placing activities on different lines.
        Specified by:
        getLineIndex in interface LinesManager<R extends Row<?,​?,​A>>
        activity - the activity for which a line index is requested
        the line index of the given activity