Class AgendaHelper

  • public final class AgendaHelper
    extends Object
    A couple of utility methods used for the AgendaLayout.
    • Method Detail

      • getTimeAt

        public static LocalTime getTimeAt​(double y,
                                          double availableHeight,
                                          LocalTime startTime,
                                          LocalTime endTime)
        Returns the time at the given y-coordinate within the given height and time range.
        y - the location for which to calculate the time
        availableHeight - the available height of the row / line in pixels
        startTime - the start time of the displayed time range
        endTime - the end time of the displayed time range
        the time at the given location
      • getLineLocations

        public static List<AgendaHelper.AgendaLineLocation> getLineLocations​(AgendaLayout layout,
                                                                             double yOffset,
                                                                             double height)
        Returns a list of agenda line locations for the given AgendaLayout instance, y offset, and row / line height.
        layout - the agenda layout
        yOffset - the y-offset in pixels
        height - the available row / line height
        a list of agenda line locations