Class QuadGanttChartLiteContainer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable

    public class QuadGanttChartLiteContainer
    extends QuadGanttChartContainerBase<GanttChartLite<?>>
    A specialization of QuadGanttChartContainerBase capable of displaying exactly four instances of GanttChartLite and keeping their layouts and their scrolling and zooming behavior in sync. The container distinguishes between four Gantt chart locations, where the right and the lower Gantt charts are located in the detail node sections of several MasterDetailPane instances. They can be hidden or shown on demand. Each one of the four Gantt charts can have its own header and footer. The screenshot below shows the initial appearance of an empty Quad Gantt chart lite container control. Quad Gantt Chart Container Lite