Class DualGanttChartLiteContainer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Styleable, EventTarget, Skinnable

    public class DualGanttChartLiteContainer
    extends DualGanttChartContainerBase<GanttChartLite<?>>
    A specialization of DualGanttChartContainerBase capable of displaying exactly two instances of GanttChartLite and keeping their layouts (e.g same timeline) and their scrolling and zooming behavior in sync. The container distinguishes between a primary and a secondary Gantt chart, where the secondary Gantt chart is located in the detail node section of a MasterDetailPane. It can be hidden or shown on demand. Each one of the two Gantt charts can have its own header and footer. Dual Gantt Chart Lite Container
    • Constructor Detail

      • DualGanttChartLiteContainer

        public DualGanttChartLiteContainer​(boolean autoBinding,
                                           GanttChartLite<?> primaryGanttChart,
                                           GanttChartLite<?> secondaryGanttChart)
        Constructs a new container with the given graphics controls.
        autoBinding - if true many properties of the secondary control will be bound to their equivalent of the primary graphics chart
        primaryGanttChart - the primary graphics shown in the top position
        secondaryGanttChart - the secondary graphics shown in the bottom position
      • DualGanttChartLiteContainer

        public DualGanttChartLiteContainer​(GanttChartLite<?> primaryGanttChart,
                                           GanttChartLite<?> secondaryGanttChart)
        Constructs a new container with the given graphics controls. The properties of the secondary graphics will be bound to their equivalent of the primary graphics.
        primaryGanttChart - the primary graphics shown in the top position
        secondaryGanttChart - the secondary graphics shown in the bottom position