Class SimpleUnitGrid

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleUnitGrid

        public SimpleUnitGrid​(String name,
                              String shortName,
                              SimpleUnit unit,
                              int amount)
        Constructs a new grid.
        name - the grid name as shown in the UI (e.g. "50 Units")
        shortName - the short name (e.g. "50")
        unit - the chrono unit on which the grid will be based (e.g. "TEN")
        amount - the amount of the chrono unit (e.g. "5")
      • SimpleUnitGrid

        public SimpleUnitGrid​(String name,
                              SimpleUnit unit,
                              int amount)
        Constructs a new grid.
        name - the grid name as shown in the UI (e.g. "50")
        unit - the chrono unit on which the grid will be based (e.g. "TEN")
        amount - the amount of the chrono unit (e.g. "5")
    • Method Detail

      • adjustTime

        public Instant adjustTime​(Instant instant,
                                  ZoneId zoneId,
                                  boolean roundUp,
                                  DayOfWeek firstDayOfWeek)
        Description copied from class: VirtualGrid
        Adjusts the given instant so that the returned instant will snap to the position defined by the grid settings.
        Specified by:
        adjustTime in class VirtualGrid<SimpleUnit>
        instant - the time to adjust to a grid location
        zoneId - the time zone for which the adjustment is performed (can be different from row to row)
        roundUp - a flag signaling whether we want the adjusted time to snap to an earlier or later time (start time or end time)
        firstDayOfWeek - the weekday that is considered to be the first day of the week (mostly Monday or Sunday)
        the grid adjusted time
      • adjustTime

        public LocalTime adjustTime​(LocalTime time,
                                    boolean roundUp)
        Description copied from class: VirtualGrid
        Adjusts the given local time so that the returned time will snap to the position defined by the grid settings.
        Specified by:
        adjustTime in class VirtualGrid<SimpleUnit>
        time - the time to adjust to a grid location
        roundUp - a flag signaling whether we want the adjusted time to snap to an earlier or later time (start time or end time)
        the grid adjusted local time